Dear friends, before discussing the benefits of learning Abacus we must do a quick recap of our Abacus understanding. This would help to ensure that we can relate to its wonderful benefits in a much better way.
Abacus Training – What is it and why is it used?
Most parents already know that Abacus is an educational toy that toddlers play with early on, almost in every country of the world. And the reason why it is so much prevalent is that it uses the age-old concept of beads to teach numbers and basic addition and subtraction operations to the child. Remember that using beads is the scientifically proven most effective way to teach numbers to the kids. And as the child grows and starts the schooling, Abacus learning also grows with the child and during this journey the Abacus tool transforms into the wooden or plastic based physical rectangular tool (as compared to the toy shape), consisting of rows and columns of the beads. And at this point Abacus magic enters into the lives of children, lets understand below how.
Here is how an Abacus Toy looks like

The Magic of Abacus classes
Anyone who has seen kids (especially those children who have completed the advanced Abacus training ) doing the Abacus calculation cannot believe their eyes in the first go. Just imagine that you speak 10-20 numbers (or even more) continuously for addition and subtraction, and the child simultaneously does the calculation in his mind (without the use of paper or a pen) and gives you the correct answer immediately, as soon as you speak the last number! Doesn’t this sound like real magic? You must watch our Mathcruise video gallery with numerous video clips of our students to actually see this amazing phenomenon
See below few Sample Questions that kids can easily solve using Abacus, you will surely be shocked and pleasantly surprised 😊
Age: 5-6 yrs (Kids who complete 2 levels of Training) |
Single Digit Addition & Subtraction |
Sample Question | Sample Question |
2 | 5 |
plus 4 | plus 4 |
minus 3 | plus 8 |
plus 8 | minus 3 |
plus 3 | minus 2 |
plus 7 | plus 7 |
minus 4 | plus 6 |
minus 2 | minus 4 |
plus 5 | minus 2 |
plus 8 | plus 9 |
minus 3 | plus 2 |
plus 7 | plus 5 |
Answer? | Answer? |
Age: 7-8 yrs (Kids who complete 4 levels of Training) |
Double Digit Addition & Subtraction |
Sample Question | Sample Question |
12 | 45 |
plus 13 | plus 34 |
minus 3 | plus 18 |
plus 18 | minus 13 |
plus 13 | minus 22 |
minus 17 | plus 7 |
plus 14 | plus 16 |
minus 12 | minus 24 |
plus 5 | minus 2 |
plus 8 | plus 19 |
minus 4 | plus 2 |
plus 17 | plus 53 |
Answer? | Answer? |
Age: 7-8 yrs (Kids who complete 5 levels of Training) |
Multiplication |
Sample Question | Sample Question |
32 | 45 |
X 13 | X 34 |
Answer? | Answer? |
235 | 32 |
X 12 | X 132 |
Answer? | Answer? |
Age: 7-8 yrs (Kids who complete 6 levels of Training) |
Division |
Sample Question | Sample Question |
369 | 45 |
divide by 3 | divide by 9 |
Answer? | Answer? |
204 | 36 |
divide by 4 | divide by 6 |
Answer? | Answer? |
The Abacus Magic – What is the Secret?
You must be intrigued by now, so let’s keep reading to find out the Abacus secret.
Secret #1: Visualization
- Hand-eye-ear coordination: When a child solves an Abacus question by listening (without reading the question from the book), three of his organs simultaneously work in close coordination with each other. Initially the child uses the physical tool to move the beads. Gradually with more and more practice, he is taught to leave the tool aside, and just imagine the tool in his mind and create its picture in the mind. For every calculation step, he changes the position of bead on the tool only in his imagination, and updates the image of tool with every step by replacing the earlier image. With more and more practice he becomes proficient in this art of visualization, and as soon as the trainer speaks the last number, the child is able to immediately give the answer, with no paper and no pen. Sounds fascinating right.
Secret #2: Left Brain Activation
- Humans have two brains and in most cases only the left brain is used in logical actions and thinking processes that govern our day to day lives. Whether studying or doing any other work like business or travelling, typically the left brain comes into play.
- A key fact to know is that after the age of 15 years the left brain goes into dormant or inactive state. Medical science has proven that the left brain can only be activated until the age of 15 years.
- Abacus uses scientifically proven techniques and exercises to ensure the left brain is activated. For example, rotating both your hands in opposite directions at the same time is the simplest and best exercise to achieve the right brain activation, and we regularly teach this in Abacus. This movement of both hands (in reverse direction of each other) can only be done effectively once both the left and right brain is activated.
Secret #3: Use of both hands to boost up speed
- In Abacus training the child is strongly encouraged and taught to use both hands to move the beads on the tool. This is not easy and needs time and practice to gain proficiency. Gradually the child develops the ability to gain speed and momentum and can solve the arithmetic question so fast that it seems unbelievable to the naked eye.
Amazing Benefits of Learning Abacus Course
- Superfast calculation – Abacus trained students are often called human calculators and we hope by now you understand why. Your child will not be dependent on digital calculators ever in his life once he gets trained in Abacus.
- Lifetime gift of self-confidence to your child: As the child develops a strong hold on Mathematics calculations it leads to tremendous boost in his self confidence. We all know the importance of high self confidence.
- Right brain activation leads to benefits in all spheres of life – We saw above that Abacus ensures right brain activation and this means that the child is able to do every task with much more proficiency – be it the reading skill, or ability to understand any new academic concept. We cannot even imagine the numerous benefits that he will get throughout his life. All our students and parents have confirmed that the school teachers also confirms that the child is able to grasp everything much quicker than before post the completion of 6-9 months of Abacus training.
- Improved Listening Skills – For effective conversations one must be a good and effective listener. Abacus tremendously improves the listening skills as already explained above, and this helps the child to develop the skill of effective conversations. Again, a life skill.
- Removal of Fear of Maths at an early age – Most students are afraid of Maths in their mind, some have less while some have more. Some kids express it and while others hesitate to express it so sometimes parents are not even aware. One of the biggest benefits of Abacus is that it ensures to remove fear of Maths from the children at an early age, and this further enables them to develop a strong Math foundation.
- Competitive edge over peers – Just imagine the precious time your child will save in Maths examination since he can do superfast calculations in his mind. Many times, kids struggle to complete the examination within the allowed time and hence kids who have completed Abacus training have a clear and big advantage over heir peers. Would you not want that for your child?
Is the child able to effectively give Abacus online test?
You may be pondering over few questions related to Abacus online classes like
- ‘Can Abacus be taught via online mode?’ or
- ‘How will the teacher gauge the progress of the child?’ or
- ‘Can the child give an Abacus test online?’
Interestingly the answer to all these questions is YES.
Of-course it is not easy to deliver quality Abacus results in online mode. This is what differentiates Mathcruise from the other Abacus schools. Let’s understand how.
How is Mathcruise different or better than most other schools to learn Abacus online ?
Below is the feedback as collated from our students and their parents. These are not our words but the depiction of what our proud Mathcruise family says for one of the best abacus classes online offered by Mathcruise.
- Our chief trainer is passionate for Maths and her aim is to remove fear of Maths from children of age group 5-15 years. She also runs a NGO (non government organization duly registered with give of India) and has dedicated her life towards this mission.
- She personally connects and engages with every student before enrollment, to ensure that Abacus is the right course for the child. We say NO if the child has other pressing needs for e.g. if he needs a stronger Math foundation first, or if he is too young (less than 5 years) or too old (more than 15 years) to show interest in Abacus.
- We excel in the art of online education (especially abacus classes) and have mastered it through rigorous practice over the past 10+ years. We are a small organization but have 50+ students from multiple countries (US, UK, India, Malaysia and UAE) with great results. Visit our video gallery section to see the lovely demos of our students.
- We always ensure to provide live feedback to students and parents in both cases: if the child is doing good and even if he is lagging behind for any reason. We work with them to solve the problem areas and provide end to end support as needed.
- We have developed fully online Abacus exams and that too inhouse, and at the end of every level the child needs to give the online test. The results are published immediately and it helps to gauge the effectiveness of the results.
- Money Back Guarantee – We are highly confident and it’s proven by the fact that we offer unconditional money back guarantee if you don’t see the effective results in your child after 4-6 months of Abacus training. Provided he has been attending regular classes and has been consistent in his homework, which consumes 5-10 minutes of daily time.
- Copyrighted books – We have a registered brand trademark and copyrighted all our books which have been designed and developed after thorough research. They follow a weekly study pattern to ensure compatibility with our curriculum.
How to learn online abacus? The journey ahead..
It’s quite simple – Just call us or email us for the initial meet up session if you want to get started with abacus classes for kids, and post our assessment of 20-30 min if our chief trainer finds that your child is all set to start learning online abacus then he will not look behind. Let’s get going now!
More Resources:
What Are the Advantages of Abacus for Kids?
How does Abacus boost Mental Math Skills
Why Should Kids Learn to Use an Abacus for Better Brain Development?
Tanmay Gupta, a specialist in mathematics, possesses a deep passion for the subject. He has been involved with Mathcruise since its inception and takes pride in being a part of the growing Mathcruise family. Tanmay excels in both Abacus and Vedic Mathematics and is particularly interested in developing innovative methods to effectively engage with children, aiming to eliminate their fear of mathematics.