
maths olympiad for class 2

Maths Olympiad Online Classes for Kids (Ages 8-18)

In today’s competitive world of education where more and more children are getting amazon scores in exams (90% and above so to say), Olympiad has become a buzz word so common that if your child does not participate in any Olympiad then they may feel left behind. In this article, let us today explore and

Step-by-Step: How does Abacus boost Mental Math Skills

When we hear the word Abacus, what is the first thought that comes to our mind? Maybe a physical rectangular tool (often made of plastic or wood) with beads, or some technique to learn calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), or an alternate technique to learn math concepts? While all of this is true, let’s

right age to learn Vedic Maths

What Is the Right Age to Learn Vedic Maths?

Vedic Maths is an alternate science of learning Maths as compared to conventional school methods taught worldwide. Yes – that sounds interesting right? Let’s talk about it a little more and also try to understand “What is the right age to learn Vedic Maths”, which is one of the most common and initial questions that


Vedic Maths Vs Abacus: Which is Better?

If you are reading this blog then you are definitely looking to explore the difference between Vedic Maths vs Abacus and surely you have come to a right place since at Mathcruise we bring you expert knowledge and insight on this intriguing topic. Based on our last 8 years of enriching experience in teaching Maths


A Beginner’s Guide to the Abacus: What, Why, When, and How

In today’s world of modern Mathematics, you would surely have heard about “Abacus” somewhere, maybe in your conversation with school teachers during the PTM or while interacting with some of the fellow parents during your child’s birthday bash or simply while browsing some blogs on internet or watching videos on youtube. Let us today understand

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